Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Abundant Blessings

For a long while I have intended to "restart" my blog. First there was the accident then I couldn't figure out how to get going again. Today I feel inspired to just go with it and see where God leads me.
I have always loved the Christmas season, love everything about it. Decorating the tree, family dinners, gifts and in recent years the time to reflect just what Christmas means. However this year while I am nearly done shopping I feel like I haven't not been in the "mood" for Christmas. I know why.
The week before Thanksgiving life changed as I knew it. The car accident took place at 7am or thereabouts on November 18Th. My right ankle was broken badly requiring surgery where two metal plates and 15 screws were placed to put my ankle back together again. With all of that I suddenly could no longer walk (at least for a few months) I couldn't do all of the things that make me such a independent person. So I have admittedly slipped in and out of a "funk" for the last month. The devil has been trying his best to take this situation and use it for evil. Making me doubt my abilities as a mother among other things. My family has reassured me, let me cry and loved me through it. I am beyond blessed to have the family I do and that they have been willing to step in and take care of the kids for me. My mom has done the bathing, feeding, diapers, stayed up nights when Jackie is having an off night. My parents carted the kids to and from daycare for weeks when we no longer had a vehicle that would fit everyone, they have sacrificed their space and time for us. I have tried to make sure that I tell them often how much I appreciate all they do yet still feel like that is not enough.
I see how truly blessed I am to be here, that my kids are healing from their minor injury's. Sure the Subaru is a total loss and I am off work for awhile but I am healing. This healing process is slow but appears to be going well.
Remembering that God is in control, God was with the girls and I on that day and he is still with us. I am so Thankful that 2000 plus years ago the a young virgin girl had the courage to give birth to a baby boy. A boy that would forever CHANGE this world. How it must have felt for Mary to find out that she was going to be having a baby although she was a virgin and engaged. Man, how would you explain that one? I wonder if Mary knew what her son would bring to the world?
This holiday season there is much to celebrate much to cherish and so many to love. My mantra is going to be "Less of me, more of God."
Hold your families closer, realize what life is really about. I am.

In Him,

Sunday, November 29, 2009

a new road, a new adventure

It has been many months since I have been able to blog and after talking to my Mom I decided I should use this time that the Lord has given me off of work to start my blog up again.
a quick catch up...
-until the accident Nov. 18th, 2009 I am still employed that the same job.Well I am still employed just out to get myself healed up. Anyway this February will be 4 years that I will have worked there. Kinda cool huh.
-Halloween this year my girls and I moved to parents house. It was a move I felt necessary and has been a huge blessing. Yes Ondrey and I are still married, this move was something I felt God was leading me to do in order to heal some personal matters between us. That is all I am going to say for now unless God leads me to say more.
- the girls are doing great. Kayla will celebrate her 8th birthday this Christmas! I am now trying to put together a party for her. Jackie continues to grow and improve. She is copying more and more sounds and loves to hear others laugh. She is now copying us when we laugh. Jackie has a light in her eyes that seems like the angels are shinning through her beautiful little soul. Alexa now outweighs Jackie weighing in at 26lbs:) She seem to be growing very tall so she is not chubby like she once was. I can not believe how fast she is growing! She is 1 1/2 already!!! Lex loves to talk and sing. Her favorite songs are ABC's, ring around the rosie, and you are my sunshine. This child is also the loudest kids ever! I don't think she knows how to be quiet:)
-In August we added two Sister Kitten's to our family. They are mostly black with few strands of white here and there. "Ruby" is petite and short hair while "Precious" is larger with longer hair. They have brought so much joy and love to our family! Kayla and I decided that their birthdays are July 4th. We never got a real bday from the family giving them away but based on their age in weeks we figured their bday had to be close to July 4th.
-My cousin Kristy is just a few short weeks from finding out the sex of her and Tim's baby. I have really loved being apart of this journey with her to motherhood. Its really fun to see the changes in her belly and her ever changing mood swings.
-My brother and his girlfriend have really been a huge support to me, I love them dearly and am so blessed to have my "old" brother back.
-My great Uncle Jerry (moms uncle) has cancer and its been a rough road but it looks like the treatments are working and at last report there was no new growths. I love watching God working in and out of my family.

We are coming to the end of this Thanksgiving weekend, it was eventful for me.
-Ondrey and I came home from the hospital on T-day. We had all of our family in town on the Bitzer side except for my brother and Kelly. Itwas Kelly's families turn to have them this year:) My grandma Eunice had the main event at her house so I was able to settle in and sleep. Then the family that was staying here at my moms came back and we enjoyed the evening together. It was a lot of football time and movie watching with my cousin Kenneth. Good food and lots of laughter. I always love it when my family gets together.
-I was not able to get to church today. I was really upset about it this morning because I love my Sundays but my Mom and Ondrey assured me that we would try for this next week when I willhave one more week of healing under my belt.

well I suppose this catches you all up. Going to do more of the same....REST.

Love Danno

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's been awhile

Well everyone I have been away for several months. Mostly because of being blocked at work. Lots has changed in my life which I will catch you up on soon.
Tomorrow I am going in for surgery on my right ankle. I was in a car crash (not my fault) and broke my ankle. My kids were ok. Sore and achy but no broken bones.

I will update soon and get back on track. I have really missed blogging:)
Love Danielle

Monday, July 27, 2009

ousin and his new bride:)
owever i can tell you about my weekend.
i packed up the kids and went to monmouth oregon for the night. Traveled with my parents. Good fam time! Saw my c
Not me monday!
I most certainly am not blogging from my phone because thats the only way i can get it to work!
Ok thats all i have for not me mondays, h

Monday, July 20, 2009

Not Me Monday!

*I did not want to beat some one senseless at 11:15pm last night for their complete disregard for others. Nope not me!
*I did not vaccum my house 4 times this weekend out of necessity only to have my now walking "girlzilla" toss the remainder of her dinner on the floor and then I left it to be eaten by the vaccum today. Nope not me!
*I did not nearly have to ground my 7 year old for the first time this weekend (only for the day). Nope not me!
*I did not listen for my neighbor to start her shower and then "race" her to see who would finish first. Hey in my defense I can't get her to say HELLO to save my life. I am a little socially enept these days. Nope not me! :)
* I didn't giggle at the neighbor boy who picked up dried dog poo in the yard and turn around and go inside. Nope not me!
* I don't giggle with delight at watching my baby chub chub walk in her walking shoes with her chubs jiggling as she sways back and forth trying to get balance Nope not me. That would just be mean:)
* I do not fight my urge to update facebook status with every new thing Jac Jac does:)
Nope not me:)

Love, Danielle

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Some things I am thankful for:

*my vaccum
*our coffee table
*mixed blessings
*pain releavers

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's Praise time people!!!!

I just got off the phone with Billie Jo at the medical supply place about Jacs prone stander. We have been waiting almost 7 months for this equipment that will allow her to sit and stand with support! Origonally we were told it could take 3 months to find out if her insurance would cover it. I have been in contact with this gal several times this week to find out if we where going to be approved. She was a trooper and caslled the state and lit a fire under their bums. She got a call this morning from the state. If we had to pay out of pocket it would be $2443.00!!! We had been told that the state was denying these across the board right now due to budget cuts. NO NO NO!!! GOD moved mountains and we where APPROVED!!!!
I am so stinkin giddy right now!!! We should have the prone stander in 2-3 weeks and it will be delivered to our home!
Thank you Jesus for your provision!!

I almost posted this entry and realized that its THANKFUL THURSDAY!
Thankful for
-the approval of the prone stander!!!!!!
-muscle biopsy results
-A GOD that moves mountains for his children!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Muscle Biopsy Results

I tried to get on yesterday to update but the site was having issues.

Are you ready for this????? The results are in and ALL tests came in within NORMAL RANGE! For those of you who don't know the muscle biopsy was testing for mitochondrial diseases. The mitochondria are the "power houses" of our cells. ANYWAYS I want to share with you my first reaction.

Dr. Raff- "blah blah blah blah all tests came back normal blah blah blah"


Dr. Raff- "it is?'

Me- "YES! This is just another testiment to God's power, it proves yet again that man nor moderne medicine does not know everything. God made us, he made us so intricate that only HE knows us completely!"

The Dr was very sweet and answered any questions I had. I really like him, anytime we see him he is very genuine and takes his time with us.

I know that my reaction seems odd. Shouldn't my first reaction be frustration? After all Jackie is 27 months old, we started testing at children's when she was 9 months old. That is 18 months of testing and waiting. Believe me when I say I have been frustrated, angry, scared but everytime I fall into those feelings God has been there to pull me out of it. I continue to learn through this whole process that GOD is HUGE.

My Grandma Clara and I where talking about this and she spoke of how she prays for healing for Jackie all the time. As I know many others do. She went on to say that maybe Jackie did have something devistating and she is being healed now. After all she is making improvements and is doing new things all the time:)

I learned yesterday that my Dad doesn't want Jackie to be diagnosed, he feels like it would label her and she wouldn't be just Jackie anymore. She would be seen as said illness and Jackie. I see his point and I can agree with it. As a matter of fact my husband felt the same way and maybe still does to some extent. My thought was that I wanted to do every test possible that would not harm her if it would help us help her.

To spin off of my Dads thoughts, Jackie is a miracle. At the age of 9 months her body behaved like a wet noodle. NO consistant muscle tone and now at just over two years of age she rolls over, holds her head up and is sitting really well with minimal support, she is finding ways to communicate with us, eats much better, no reflux, she is gaining weight, shows interest in toys and has a smile and laugh that is indiscribable. When I see her smile, this teeth showing full face smile I am humbled. Humbled that this little girl is SO happy despite her limitations. She is fast becoming my hero. My sweet little girl has the determination of David (David and Goliath) the strength of Moses, and the power of Jesus running through her veins.

Our God is an AWESOME GOD HE REIGNS from heaven above with WISOM, POWER AND GRACE.

Thank you all for your continued prayers for our family. God IS moving.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Could today be the day???

Just a quick post, yesterday I called the genetics clinic at Children's to inquire about Jackie's Muscle biopsy. We had the procedure done on April 20th 2009 and have been waiting patiently ( :) ) to hear the results. And YES we were warned that it was going to take several weeks. Anyway I got a voicemail back from one of the assistants saying ALL the results are in and she has left a voicemail for Dr.Raff to give us a call. She said she is not trained to interpert the results so he has to call us. The Dr is supposed to call us today. PLEASE pray that he will call today and that it won't require an appt to come see him. No offense but I can't schedule anymore time out right now.
Thank you all for your love and support

Friday, July 3, 2009

Freedom Fri-D-YAY!

First day of my weekend today. The kids don't have daycare so we all get to hang out today. Took care of some business this morning and now I am trying to make a plan for the rest of the day.
Tomorrow will be filled with festivities. Should be a great weekend!
Hava a happy and safe weekend!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I need your help. I need you to pray. You see I have this burning desire to help sick kids. Only I don't know what direction this will take. I have the strongest urge to get up from my desk and go sit at Seattle Children's. Nutty I know. It's something about just being there that is so hopeful, so healing, so fulfilling to me. I have no degree, I have 4 small kids and a husband and no time to persue this. Please don't misunderstand me I LOVE my family and wouldn't change that ever. I know God is working in me and he is preparing me for something bigger. Have you ever been SO passionate about something that you tear up and get a lump in your throat when you think about it? That is how this calling effects me. I know its a calling, starting back when Kayla was a baby. It has been growing in my heart for the past 7 years. I knew God was telling me something and time was on my side, that he would reveal his purpose for me in HIS time. I am trying ever so HARD to rely on that, I just get so excited and impatient at the same time.
I am sure I have eluded to this many times before but it is so amazing to me that I just have to share it again...
Don't ever let your imperfections stop you from recieving what God has in store for you. Take me for example.
I made some bad choices at the age of 20. I came home from college and was SO lost. All of my friends where still in school, I had no where to plug in at church and moved home to live with my parents. My youth group was my life. I grew up with those kids, I spent nearly every waking moment with them. They where my bestfriends and like family to me. To describe it I was devestated by this loneliness. My cousin who was really more like a sister to me was here at home (thank goodness!!) We spent a lot of time together with her friends which I knew most of them from childhood. I went crazy. I didn't do hard drugs or anything but I drank. I lost value in myself and kicked my values out the door. I became pregnant at the age of 20. I had no idea I could be; I went to the dr to check for diabetes (dad had just been diagnosed as Diabetic I think)I had been feeling crappy. My nieve self didn't know that they test for pregnancy as part of a routine. The dr came back into the room and told me the test was positive. "I am a diabetic?" "No you're pregnant" My body went hot, from head to toe I was burning on the inside. I went to the floor and sobbed. The dr said " I am so sorry". Complete disbelief. I pulled myself together after several minutes and sheepishly walked out of the office.
My life was forever changed. I was now a single, broke, christian mother. I told my parents that day. I was going to try to process it for a few days but when I walked into the house from the garage I fell to pieces crying. My mom took one look at me after trying to get me to tell her what was wrong (I couldn't, I couldn't break her heart)she said "can I guess?" I sobbed "yea" she said "you're pregnant" my heart hurt SO bad I almost couldn't take it. She hugged me, she didn't let me go or yell at me she hugged me and cried with me, for me and for her too. I recounted my visit to the dr and calmed down for a minute. My mom asked "Do you want to tell Dad or do you want me to?" At that moment I am pretty sure my heart pumped itself right out of my chest up into my throat. I wanted to scream. I want to tell my Dad how sorry I was, how I didn't mean for this to happen, how I wanted to take it all back. My mom did go tell my Dad. I don't think he knows how much that moment affected me;this is what he did... he came into my room, crawled into bed with me, wrapped his arms around me and told me he LOVED me. I knew right then that no matter what my Dad still loved me. He was broken hearted, hurt and angry I am sure BUT he never took it out on me. I love him for that so dearly, he very easily could have kicked me out of the house. Instead he set rules and again gave me a place to grow and to heal.
That one bad choice changed my families lives forever. I also lost a very dear friend because of my pregnancy. I loved her so much, we had been inseperable, we had been through so much; this however proved to be too much and we parted ways. My poor parents not only had to deal with a pregnant unwed daughter but now I wouldn't leave their sides. I was stuck like glue. Kind of like having a full grown toddler around all the time. 8 months later December 25th 2001 Kayla made her grand appearance. She was 1 month and 1 day early. Kayla shares her birthday with Jesus, I believe this is no mistake. I was lucky enough to be able to stay home with Kayla until she was 9 months old. Each morning I watched Joyce Meyers on TV. I used this as my devotional time. I looked forward to it and Kayla almost always napped during this time. It was during this time that God really began to speak to me, I wanted to be a speaker of some kind. But what would I speak about? My story was much the same of many young woman thus far? So over time I prayed and about it and continued with life. fast forward 5 years. I am married and have a newborn. Jacqueline was born May 9th, 2007. Healthy or so we thought. At 4 months of age we knew something wasn't right. My husband and I found out we where expecting again! Alexa was born May 5th 2008. Much of Alexa's pregnancy was spent taking Jackie to Children's, evaluations, tests, appointment after appointment. It was during this time when I read a book called "Mother Warrior" by Jenny McCarthy. The book is controversial; however I took a lot from it. Especially the title. I wish I could have thought of that myself:) I made that title my mantra. I was a Mother Warrior for Jackie.
As most of your know we have no diagnosis yet for Jackie, still testing. But through this journey I am coming to see that Jackie will be a very integral part of the platform God is giving me. I am a speaker now. I speak for Jackie, I walk for Jackie, I climb stairs for Jackie, I sit for Jackie, I pray for Jackie, I research for Jackie, and now I can play with Jackie, Tickle Jackie, read to Jackie
I cry when Jackie does something new.
I am overwhelmed by God's grace. I would have never believed if you had told me at 21 years old, a new mother, fallen from Grace that this is where I would be a mere 7 years later I would have never believed you. The cool think is that God isn't done with me yet:)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It's a little late but worth the wait! We are in Sunriver visiting my grandparents. We have been having a wonderful time biking, swimming and shopping. We all have nice tans:) I am so greatful that we where able to take this vacation. It has been a long time coming! The kids are doing great except that Alexa hasn't slept well at night; that is odd because she sleeps like a champ at home!
I am thankful that Jackie has thrived in this environment, she continues to grow stronger and she is working at communicating with us!
I am also thankful that Laila was able to come with us on vacation, she has been learning to swim and even went down the BIG waterslide yesterday. The look of Joy on her face was worth a thousand words!
Alexa has her Great Grandma wrapped around her finger, speaking of fingers...Alexas favorite place to have a least one finger is up her nose...yeah disgusting!
Kayla has been swimming like a fish and water painting up a storm. I think she has enough pieces to open her own art gallery:)
Something a little sad, Michael Jackson died today. This is some one my brother and I grew up with. All the weird behavior aside he was the King of Pop. I would say to him, "thank you for creating the soundtrack to some wonderful memories of my child hood"
My brother listened to his black or white album the entire spring break of my 7th grade year. We where with my grandparents on a road trip and Bj sat in the back listening to it on the walk man:)

Monday, June 22, 2009

Just popping in!

My parents, me and Ondrey

Me and Great Grandma

Laila and Kayla in the backyard

My Great Grandparents on their 70th wedding anniversary. Looking GOOD!
We made it! We left Seattle about 10:30am yesterday and after a few hours stop over at my Great Grandparents for their 70th wedding anniversary. We rolled in to Sunriver about 9pm. It feels INCREDIBLE to be on vacation! We are already taken many great pictures from yesterday so keep a look out!

Friday, June 19, 2009

More pictures

1-Kayla and lexi, lexi doesnt like to sit still:)

2-Here is my Dad and the little ones

3-Jackies special made seat that hugs her in all the right places to get the optimal sitting postion for her. She is now interested in toys:)!

Picture Updates

This is my Mom with Kayla, Laila, Jacqueline and Alexa

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful that when I punch the time clock tonight. I will be offically on VACATION!!!!!
I am also thankful that everyone seems to be healthy again minus me...silly cold!
There have been so many little miracles this week, I will post another blog about that soon...maybe from vacation:)
I am SOOO distracted right now, sorry not too great of a post this week. I am sure I will make up for it with pictures and storys from vacation!
Love you all!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An extension of Monday's post

I checked my email this morning to see that my Moms bestfriend Lori and left me a comment about my blog, and it got me thinking. As I re read Mondays post about Differently abled kids it hit me that the guilt I feel isn't from God. Now I rationally know that but this thought hit me in a new way. GUILT is NOT from GOD. In previous postings you have read about how satan was/is trying to get a foot hold on me and my family. Well this came back to me again. A few thoughts resonating in my mind right now.
1-Guilit is NOT from God
2-Satan will NOT get a foot hold on my family.
3-Satan is trying....he is using this guilt to make me feel like I am not adequate, that praising my able bodied child is wrong and celebrating her new discoveries is wrong.
4-The TRUTH is that I celebrate in EACH and EVERYONE of my children's new discoveries; I clap for Lexi when she made it down the slide and I cried tears of joy when Jackie reached for me for the first time. I hi five my older kids when they know they have made good decisions and hug them when they learn a tough lesson.
5- I must remember GOD is at work in my family, in myself and in the world. HE celebrates along with me, he cries with me, he comforts me he LOVES on me.

In your life... is there an area you need to trust in GOD more? Is there something you are struggling to release to him? Maybe you have given something to him and now you have taken it back?

This verse comes to mind:
Psalm 5:11 (New International Version)

11 But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Also this passage

Hebrews 12
God Disciplines His Sons
1Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. 2Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
4In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5And you have forgotten that word of encouragement that addresses you as sons:
"My son, do not make light of the Lord's discipline,
and do not lose heart when he rebukes you,
6because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
and he punishes everyone he accepts as a son."[a]

7Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father? 8If you are not disciplined (and everyone undergoes discipline), then you are illegitimate children and not true sons. 9Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of our spirits and live! 10Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. 11No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

12Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13"Make level paths for your feet,"[b] so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

Can I get an AMEN?!
What I want people to be able to take away from this is to be encouraged. Be encouraged that God Loves you and he has a plan for your life.

Thanks Lori for making me "deep think" however its a little early and even though I proof read this post I must put a disclaimer out their and here it is...
I am EXHAUSTED. Nuff said:)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back on track

Ok guys I just renamed the blog:)
The Harnsberry Half Dozen!

I kinda like it:) Doing a lot of nothing right now. Did some work earlier and now I am not so interested in doing anymore!
Vacation oh vacation where are you??????


Ah crud, I thought long hand hard to come up with a fun new name for the blog. I just changed it and went to write this post and realized I miss counted. There are 6 of us. Um I have no excuse for that but I can say that we all made it out of the house dressed, fed and diapers changed (the babies, not us:)this morning. I think????
Maybe I should go home and check? Don't need the movie "Home Alone" playing out at my house:)
Well before I dash home to check on the possibly forgotten kids...
Alexa is obsessed with her shoes. She wants to hold both of them at all times, that is if she lets you take them off! I thought she might wear them to bed but I was able to distract her for a second:)
Kayla and I played cards last night...slap jack in particular...I kicked her tail!!!
Jackie was very happy last night with lots of talking and laughing, that is until I turned off the lights and told her it was bedtime:) She did quiet down after about 5 minutes.
In ODD news. I woke up at 5am and folded a load of laundry. No its not put away but it is folded. YAY me!
OK so do you guys have any ideas on what to rename my blog? shoot me some ideas!

Monday, June 15, 2009


When I see differently abled kids (disabled kids) I want to cry, actually most of the time. It is not because of sorrow, well sometimes but mostly because of my own experience as a mother with a differently abled kid. Recently I was at Safeway in the check out line. I turned around to see a little girl about the age of 2 in a stroller with a feeding tube, Mom was putting another dose of dinner in for her. I almost said to that Mom. "Thank you for bringing your beautiful little girl out, for others to see because you have greatly encouraged me today" I didn't say that to her but I have to say I find myself thinking about her often and wishing I had said something.
It is becoming harder now that Lexi is older because she wants to get out and do things, be out of the stroller to play on the swing and the slides but I find myself feeling guilty that Jackie is just sitting in the stroller so I do my best to take turns with the kids.
Jackie really is making huge improvements and I am SO PROUD of her for her determination.
My Jac Jac,
I love you my sweet little girl. You are such a blessing in my life. You have taught me more about love, compassion, determination, laughter, God's will and joy than I could have ever imagined. God is using you in big ways my baby. YOU are a mighty spirit full of Gods Grace, Wisdom and strength.
You are doing so good with PT, Peg was just blown away with how well you are doing each week. Keep up the hard work sister, its paying off. You made me cry so hard last week when you reach over to touch my face. That was the first time you have ever done that. I called Grammie and told her all about it, she thought that was really cool.
I love you my sissy.

I guess my point in this post is, don't over look some one that makes you uncomfortable. It could be a disabled person, or some one that just takes you completely out of your comfort zone. That person is being used by God; how lucky you would be to have made contact with that person.
I want to hug other parents of differantly abled kids, I feel such a bond with them, that they might have the slightest inkling of what I feel or what I have gone through.

Manic Monday

Well Thankful thursday didn't happen last week...internet was down:(
SO I thught I would give you something different today.
In short this is how my weekend went... Cleaned all day, my house, mama lishey's and my moms house, picked up all the kids and headed to Kristy and Tims for a get together in honor of their 1 year anniversary. Good times, made it home before any of the kids made it to melt down mode.
Saturday I wasn't feeling that great and one of the kids was being a "liar liar pants on fire" big time so that sent Dear hubby into a frenzy ready to beat the crud out of the kid. As the day went on all of the kids started to drive me nuts so off to the park we went, lasted only about an hour before another one of my "oh so precious" kids went into meltdown when the icecream truck came through and god forbid I said no to a $4.00 Ice cream. "Breath...breath...1..2..3..I will not be thee" Oooops to late, she was warned (said my chant again) then she asked again and I spanked her. Yes folks, I took her to the car and spanked her butt. Back home we went.
My Mom came over for dinner, she bought pizza and just hung out...well kinda, between showering the older two kids, spending an hour and a half on taking braids out of one of the kids head then readoing their hair; the pipe fell off the kitchen sink so when my lovely mom turned the dish washer on her little feet got wet...hmmmmmmmmmmm MAINTANCE!!!!(I can't undertand anything that guy says but "I come now") love him though because he muscled the pipe back on and off he went.
After Mom left I fell into bed and wanted to do cartwheels all over the bed...Not because I am that athletic but because I was feeling so crumy I couldn't sit still, every position I sat or layed in hurt.
After a horrible nights sleep I decided I was staying home, as much as I wanted to be at church I had ZERO energy to get myself and 4 kids there. I muddled through yesterday with fits of nausea and feeling like I might have to run to the bathroom at a miliseconds notice. Cranky kids and a husband that slept ALL day.
I will just say it....I HATED THIS WEEKEND!
Now I am back to work and still feel a little crappy but some what better.
Now for the MANIC part of my post. We are leaving for our first vacation this weekend. We are SOOO excited we can't wait to have some much needed R&R. I haven't had a vacation in 5 years. A lot has happened in 5 years!
SO my mind is going a million miles a minute....what to pack, what to buy, where to go for good deals on stuff for the older kids to do in the car, note to self...bring EVERYTHING INCLUDING THE KITCHEN SINK:) Thankfully We are not leaving until Sunday morning so I will have 2 days off before to prepare. I know we will be fine but how do you pack just enough and not too much??????????
So the last thing on my mind today is work and that is bad because its only monday and I have to work through thursday!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Full of words Wednesday

To update you folks,
Last night Ondrey and I headed to Children's with Jackie. Kay and Lex where with Grammie and Poppy having a great time. Lexi used a push toy and walked all over the back yard; she had a blast:)
We have been to children's many times as you know but never to the ER. It was a pleasent experience, we were blessed with nice nurses and a wonderful doctor. Origonally we thought Jackie would need IVs to rehydrate her however your prayers worked! And she did not need an IV, we gave her small amounts of Pedialite and watched her for awhile. No puking! YAY Jesus! She was given antinausea medicine that they give to kids going through Chemo and it worked like a charm. A plus to this med was that it melted in her mouth so again no needle needed! She was also tested for a UTI (urinary tract infection) which came back clear!
We left the hospital and picked up the girls from Grammies and headed home. Everyone got a good nights rest:)
Please continue to pray for our family; in specific...
-For Jackie to continue to get well
-For Ondrey's patience. It is running short as I have to be at work and he is left with much of the running to appts etc with a screaming kid that really only wants her mommy.
-For me, I feel incredibly guilty for not being able to be more present and am feeling so sad today. (Can I just spend the day tucked in Jesus shirt pocket? I am sure that would do wonders!?
-For finances, that we would be shown a way for me to be able to be home more, seceretly or not so seceretly I would love nothing more than to be the full time care taker for the kids.Especially Jackie and her special needs.

On the praise front...
-Kayla had the same viral thing that Jackie is dealing with and is feeling much better!
-Lexi is now trying to stand on her own and so badly wants to take off walking!
-Jackie is babbling more...trying to communicate!!!! No words but sure is trying her different sounds out!
-Laila will be able to come on vacation with us! We are so excited! We all NEED this vacation in the worst way!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Jackie is in need of prayers

Hello All!
I come asking for prayers for Jackie. She has been sick since this last Sunday. Low grade fever, vomiting, cranky. Hubby took her to the dr yesterday; they think it is viral due to a sore in her mpouth. I left work this afternoon to pick her up from daycare. She was puking all over. It was a tough call this morning to take her to daycare because she seemed fine, her fever had broke the night before and she was smiley today. She began puking again after her chiro appt so I called the dr. we are concerned about dehydration. I am back at work to close up so hubby is taking her to the dr to see what we can do.
Please pray for Ondrey as well. Jackie gives him the screaming fit whenever I am not there. He is trying very hard to be a good daddy and doing a great job but it can be very tiring when nothing works but Mommy to appease her.
In him,

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thankful Thursday

This post is a little late in the day...
I am sitting in my office with a tiny and I do mean tiny fan that just laughs as it rotates around. I don't feel any wind. Thus my brain is fried. That being said...
Today I am thankful that
* its my friday today!!!!
* The weather is going to cool down tomorrow
* for a fun homegroup this last tuesday
* for chocolate
* That my fam is pretty healthy right now

Sorry its short, mushy brain. When it cools down tomorrow I will be as sharp as a tack!:) hahaha

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This last weekend myself, the kids, my parents, brother and Kelly climbed into my parents motorhome to head to Salem Oregon. My cousin Kenneth was graduating from highschool. GO Kenneth!
Let me preface this by saying I have hardly traveled since having my last two babies and the thought of being with out my husband (who stayed behind to work) and being so far from home almost kept me from going on this trip. It is silly really because we were gone only 1 1/2 days but the thought of it kinda overwhelmed me. I guess I need to get out more:)
So we make it to Salem, had a great time and then it was time to go, Sunday morning Jackie woke up and started one of her "unexplained pain episodes" I call it that because that is exactly what it is. She went through a time where it was daily and now as she is getting older it's off and on but never daily. These episodes last about 1 1/2 to 2 hours usually. Not this one.... a whopping 3 hours later a switch flipped and she was smiley and talking like nothing had ever happend. During these events she screams and cries at the top of her lungs.Virtually inconsolable.
Let me add that another reason I decided to go was to see my Grandma Eunice; she would be there and I felt a really strong pull to her.
Ok back to my story; at one point my Grandma came into the motorhome and sat across from me and Jac. I was singing "you are my sunshine" over and over in her ear. For some reason that was distracting Jackie a little and so I went with it. Grandma's eyes began to fill with tears as she watched us. I knew she was praying for us. Because My Grandma is a prayer warrior and praying is what she does. We sat there singing, praying and loving this precious little girl that was in such a fit of pain for several minutes, she began to calm down, her muscles relaxed and there was calm. And just like the last 3 hours had never happend she was at peace.
After a few minutes I put Jackie in her carseat and went to say goodbyes to everyone. I was saying goodbye to Grandma, as she was talking to me I just started sobbing. My life has been so hectic and overwhelming lately and I just needed to let it out. It is a scary thing to watch if you have never witnessed one of Jackies episodes, I could see the concern and worry on everyones faces as she was going through this. We had told my parents about this but they had never seen one, let a long a 3 hour marathon one.
I am sure you are wondering is it constipation? Gas? tired? hungary? Sick? No seems to be the answer to all of those questions. I tend to think it has something to do with muscle spasms related to her hypontonia. But we have no concrete answers.
I titled this entry as "praying" because prayer in itself is amazing. That we could have such a personal and intimate relationship with the one who created our inner most beings. God knows what is causing Jackie's pain, my pain, your pain and loves us through it, he provides the grace and relief when we most need it. Not when we think we most need it but when he KNOWS we most need it.
Last night I sat holding Alexa, she has a double ear infection and is teething to boot. Her fever had reached 103.8, I was very worried; as I sat there I was praying that her fever would break, her body would cool down,the medicine would kick in. Please God giver her some relief! with in just a few minutes I felt her body cooling, checked the temp again; it was falling! I continued to check it until it was down to 99.9 and then we drifted off to sleep. I checked it a few times through out the night.
This morning Alexa was talkative and her eyes had returned to the sparkly bright brown eyes we love. Another dose of meds and she as ready and roaring to go. Praise Jesus! I have never seen that little girl so quiet in her life; she was feeling so icky she had nothing to say to anyone!

Ephesians 3:20
Now to the one who can do infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine according to the power that is working among[l] us— 21to him be glory in the church and in the Messiah Jesus to all generations, forever and ever! Amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

These are just some of the things I am thankful for today.
1-a job:)
2-My family
3-Jac is continuing to gain weight and is now trying to sit forward when some one is in the way of what she wants to look at.
4-That Kayla and Lexi keep ending up in the same bed. I think Lexi just wants to snuggle:) Its too cute!
5-a short get away this weekend, trying not to stress about it but I haven't traveled with the two little ones and it takes a whole lot of planning.
6-a day off with my husband yesterday. We had a good day and the weather was beautiful!
7-Today's beautiful weather!
8-God's timimg
9-having been able to take pictures of history (thanks to Mama Lishey)

Friday, May 15, 2009


Jackie in the swing for the first time ever!!! Yippee Jesus for a swing that fit Jackie just right!
This picture was from a few weeks ago but I couldn't resist sharing it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Me and my oldest baby; Kayla!

Jackie in the prone stander we are waiting for her to get, this was a trial.

All three girls

Thankful Thursday

Yesterday my husband lost his Grandmother (his fathers mom). We were there at the hospital with her when she passed, it was peaceful. Please keep our family in your prayers during this difficult time.
Today I am thankful for:
-the face that Mama Lishey (hubbys gma) was a believer.YIPPEEE JESUS!
-That my boss was urging me to take today to be with my husband.
-for good coffee this morning
-for the relationships I have with my family.

Now I am going to see if I can get some pictures up:)
Short and sweet today.
Love Danielle

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Standing on one leg; arms flung out to my sides looking for balance..YOU too huh?

Interesting title isn't it? Well folks its the truth. In life it seems just when you are breaking through a circumstance and you are achieving so called "victory" the devil pulls another trick from his sleeve, if your not careful this will send you into a tail spin. For my family this week (and yes I realize it is only Wednesday) has felt like the eye of the hurricane is swirling right above us. Why you ask?
My husband and oldest daughter made a public proclamation on Easter. They where baptized. As you can imagine there has been lots of prayer, conversation and faith building in our home. As we are delighting in Jesus the devil is lurking, right outside our window, at work, at school. He snakes his way in, whispering his distructive ideas and thoughts in our ears. We start to let little things build, little annoyances, the stress of life is closing in and inside we panic and then we turn on eachother. It was brought to my attention from a very wise woman...Grandma Clara, I started to snap out of it and realized she was right. The devil was trying to get a foot hold on my family.
I requested prayer for this during our homegroup last night. Just sharing it with fellow believers lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders. I was able to see the truth and even still this morning can feel the darkness that is the devil retreating to his corner from the walup spiritual slap delievered to him through our acknowledgement of his deceit. TAKE THAT SATAN!
The truth in this is that Satan would love nothing more than to add my family to his ranks, however JESUS is the one I owe my life to, he is the one who died on the cross for me, the one that loved my family when we were just a twinkle in his eye. SO satan you lose!

Monday, May 11, 2009


My little head is swirling with thoughts so, bare with me as it all spills out.
My current thoughts:
*Wish I could have been there to comfort Kayla as she had a massive bloody nose from a bottle hitting her nose this morning. The school nurse called, she will be ok but I think it scared the day lights out of her.
*My cousin Sean is a pretty darn good preacher, got to listen to one of his sermons via pod cast.
*I can't wait for vacation in June! Sunriver here we come!
*I love my Mom. Love love love her.
*My moms bbf Lori needs prayer, she has MS and is having a bad flare up. Asking God to give her some relief.
*I am wearing a dress today...this is huge...I didn't even wear a dress to my own wedding. Its been a long time coming:)
*I wonder how long it would take me to do my tear aparts here at work? I REALLY don't want to do them.
*I thought it was supposed to rain today? I went outside and it was really warm. Did I dream the forcast I thought I watched last night?
*I am SO forgetful, I hate it. I am sure that my friends and family do to. Sorry guys.
*My cousin Kristy is amazing. Through recent situations God has used to strengthn our child hood bond in a new way. Thank you Jesus.
*I am thankful for then medicine my hubby started on.
*I wonder when Lexi will start walking? She is so close, she gets up on her knees like she is going to take off and has been walking along furniture. Trouble is coming!
*Nothing is better than Jackie's sweet laughter.
*My Dad is a pretty amazing guy.
*Thought I was having a hair crisis. Turns out my natural wavy, curlyness is working for me. Good news:)
*I wonder how I can rearrange the girls bedroom to be more functional? Will I have the energy to try to figure it out when I get home?

Well thats all the randomness for the moment. Anyone else have thoughts they just have to get out?
I think some of the voices in my head have quieted since I got them out on the blog:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Riding the Wave

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I love this verse.

Last night Jackie was having what I think were muscle spasms; she has had them in the past but its been a long while. She wanted to sleep so badly but was being woke up by these spasms. I brought her to bed with me and held her close, as she drifted off to sleep I prayed. Prayed that she would be able to get a good nights rest, that God would heal her, that he would heal me, and then I prayed a prayer of praise. I thanked him for Jackie and all she has brought to our lives, for having access to a top notch medical facility (Seattle Children's!. This morning I am SO greatful to have her at home with us, so many parents can not go home with their children. They must visit them and love on them through tubes, wires, treatments.

Still praying for strength. This song is booming in my heart right now... I love this song.
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away


I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth


Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for...
*The opportunity to have fridays off now. Starts tomorrow!
*For God's "Pink Comforter" (it's a Grandma Eunice thing), I think God pulled out just for me. Thank you Jesus.
*For my home group
*For a catch up conversation with one of my best friends, Ashly. She is so precious to me. More than I could ever tell her.
*Alexa turned 1 on Tuesday, this year has gone by so fast!
*Jackie will turn 2 this Saturday, these last 2 years have gone even faster:)
*For being able to spend some one on one time with my Kayla tomorrow.
*For being reminded of Gods provision.

Monday, May 4, 2009


My apologies at the slacking of posting namely "thankful thursdays". Last week was a really rough week for me. Do you ever have times where you feel you are being emotionally attacked on all levels? I do, and this last week gave me a run for my sanity. Yesterday the kids and I made it to church, Jackie managed to have me bail her out of the nursery before church even started. Little poop! So Kayla and Jac and I went to service, leaving the little monster (Lexi) in the nursery. It was a good service. Last night Kayla, Jackie and I went to FX which is a kids/ family service held the first Sunday of each month. It was really fun! My goal is to make it to more of those.
So my prayer for this week is going to be for strength. I have thought of myself as a strong person but when I went through the list of things and situations I am dealing with I wanted to eat my words for telling my Grandma Clara that I didn't need to be any stronger. Thats a story for another time:)
On another note... My LAST baby:( Lexi is turing 1 tomorrow! I can't believe it! Then this coming Saturday my Jac Jac with is turning 2! Oh my babies:( I want them to stay little forever, plus they are getting entirely too darn heavy!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Extravigant Love

Most of us know the word Extravigant means "over the top" "beautiful in excess" Okay well thats my own definition but you get the idea. I bring this up because I am sitting here at my desk trying to be motivated for my day. As I am sitting here I am thinking of the last 24 hours, its been an emotional challenge for me which I can't devulge to much on the WWW. Let me just say that my emotions have ranged from rage, sadness, joy, worry, determination and shall I say it hopelessness. However this morning my dear sweet Lil L and I prayed together, the sweetest prayer to our extravigant Jesus. A Jesus not extravigant in the way you might think but extravigant in how he shows his love to me, it is never ending, its all providing, all forgiving and all knowing. I am comforted knowing this, today is still really troubling but moment by moment I am asking for grace, for protection, for peace, for forgiveness. Sometimes fighting your own emotions that are surging so strong is a fight you feel you can't win, especially when you are trying so hard to trust in God and things are being thrown right and left at you. Just when you dodge one happening another one is whizzing at your head. One foot in front of the other.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again people.... Today I am thankful for...
*My wonderful sweet husband for taking my toe polish off last night so I would not ruin my finger nails:)
*New bedding! (no more ripped up comforter!)
*That recovery of Jackies procedure is going GREAT!
*My silly not so little girl that loves to make me laugh (Lil K)
*My chubby Lil A for waking up with a smile
*My parents devotion to my bro and I and my fam
*Sweet bloggy friends
*That my Aunt found a house!
*sliced oranges in my lunch today!!

Feel free to leave comments on what you are thankful for today!
After all it is Thursday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amazing Grace

This last Monday we awoke at 4:30am. I made bottles, had coffee and packed a seperate diaper bag (the babies share one usually) and headed for the shower. My mom and Grandma Clara showed up about 5:45am. The kids were stiring as DH and I left for the hospital with Lil J. Both DH and I were very calm, I was nervous that Lil J would be fussy since we couldn't feed her until after the surgery; However she did wonderful.
My Grandma Clara and Grandpa Rod followed us to the hosptial. After Lil J was safely off to surgery we all went and had some breakfast in the cafeteria. We had such a nice time just sitting and talking; we all commented on how this may be the first time we have been able to have a conversation with out being interupted by the kids:)
Soon we were paged to come back to the surgery center and after a little waiting they rolled our sweet little girl in. Lil J came throught he surgery wonderfully! Praise Jesus! We thought she may take a little longer to come out of anesthia because of the hypotonia in her muscles but she didn't! After a bottle of apple juice another bottle of pediasure we left the hospital and had a wonderful lunch with my grandparents before they left for home (in Oregon). It was a beautiful, sunny and warm out that day; so fitting for Lil J to spend some alone time with Mommy and Daddy. Lil J loved not sharing the day with her sisters, she babbled and smiled and laughed more than usual all day long!
My favorite part of the day was all the snuggles she shared with me:)
I just praise God for being with that surgen, I know a muscle biopsy is a routine procedure; but to take the time he did to talk before and after the procedure was great. Kinda cool, but Dh's cousin spent a lot of time at Children's when he was born with a pretty serious health issue, he spent at least 6months there. The surgen we had was his surgon! He asked us if we knew him, he recoginized the last name (which is not too common) 21 years later and he STILL remembers him! We filled him in on how his cousin is doing, GREAT by the way! That was a cool testimate to the level of care we are recieving at Seattle Children's!
As far as results of the muscle biopsy, we could get them in as little as 3 weeks but as long as a 2 months from now. We are expecting the latter, from what we understand the tests they run on the tissue are very extensive.
I tried to post pictures the other day from my phone but it did not show up correctly, this weekend I may be able to load them from my moms house.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally Friday!

I have made it through the week!(random happy dance!)
I must say I feel a somewhat uneasy, Lil J's Muscle biopsy is Monday. I am supposed to get a call from the hospital today to give directions on when to be there Monday and when to stop feeding her. I believe that Lil J will be in Jesus hands that day, just like any other day, I am praying that she does well with out food (pray for an early surgery time!), she does well in surgery and mostly with recovery. I only have Monday off but I wish I could take the week off!
Mostly I am allowing myself to be excited, excited that this test, although it will take several weeks to get back will provide answers. I am chosing to believe that God is going to answer our prayers in getting a name for this.
This weekend is supposed to be nice, and I can't wait to get the kids out of the house and go have some fun! Also I think Saturday I will take the kids to visit one of my old friends, we met when she moved into our complex and although she and her hubby have moved, we talk and text a lot. I am excited to see her! Unfortunately her hilarious hubby is in Mexico for work so we will miss seeing him this time.
Last night I had a 2.5 hr conversation with my cousin, she is really more of a sister to me. It was so nice to catch up, to "solve" the worlds problems:)Today I am thankful for her.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am starting a "Thankful Thursday" post, my goal is to do it every thursday, so keep a look out!

Today I am thankful for the following...
*Lil L has school pics today, I got to do her hair:) What a pretty lil lady she is!
*The smile across Lil A's face when I came to break her out of her crib this morning.
*A peaceful drive to work, with out the radio
*Good Coffee
*The big hug I got from my Lil K as we rushed out the door this morning.
*The little hug but big milestone when Lil J wrapped her arms around my kneck this morning.
*Good friends

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

I must start this post off by saying that I am the most blessed woman I know!
I knew leading up to this weekend it was going to be special; but just how special I was about to see.
Friday after work I went to pick up my "Lil L" from her mom, we got home and just hung out for the night. The babies went to sleep and the older girls and I watched "icarly" which is a weekly tradition. Saturday was mostly lazy (just fine by me!) My dear sweet hubby watched 3 of the 4 girls while I went to get my nails done. Lil J spent some quality time with Grammie, all by herself! With 4 kids its a little hard to get one on one time. Saturday night the girls and I went to my moms for dinner, the older girls died eggs with Poppy. We came home and fell into bed.
NOW for Sunday! We woke up to see what the Easter Bunny had left; the girls where very excited about the art kits. We got off to Church where we were met by Grammie, poppy,Great grandma Clara and Poppa Rod, Great Grandma Kane and Poppa Doug, Cousin Kristy and her husband, my 2nd cousin Karen all from my side, then DH's Grandma and Uncle came all to support Lil K and DH in their being baptized! I felt so blessed to have our family all around. I did however miss my aunt and uncle and their kids from Oregon; they just had too much going on; Altough they make it up to WA for nearly everything they are invited too!
Service was WONDERFUL; talk about feeling Jesus all around:) At the end of the service the people being baptized were called to get ready. I helped Lil K change and kissed her and DH goodbye, then took my place in reading their testimony's. I am proud to say I did not stumble or cry as I read! In all 17 people where baptized! YAY JESUS!!!
After church we went to Great Grandma Eunice's for Easter Lunch. The food was great and the company even better! My aunt Barb,cousins Chehaila, Lee and Robby were there along with everyone that came to church minus DH's Grandma and Uncle.
I almost forgot to mention how pretty my girls where! the older two wore matching dresses and the younger two wore matching dresses. Grandma Clara took several pictures, I will be sure to add pics to the blog soon and those will be some of them!
As I reflect back on the weekend I am overwhelmed by God's love, for sooo many reasons but just a few of them are....
1- when Jesus died for our sins he knew that 2000 plus years later my Lil K and Dh would be baptized on the day he rose from the grave! And that I would have the privlidge of reading their testimony's!
2-Jesus knew that my Lil K who came into this world with out a reliable earthly father would be blessed with one at the age of 3 and then at the age of 7 would be baptized together on Easter Sunday!
2- That Jesus has all the grace and peace I need!
3- Jesus loved me so much that he would bless me with 3 natural children and 1 step daughter and a husband made just for me.
4-Jesus knows my inner most being and still loves me!
God is SO good to me!
I have a busy full life, like everyone else on this plantet I get tired, stressed, delerious, happy, overwhelmed and crazed but knowing that me and my family have a place beyond the pearly gates gives peace, grace and strength. Thank you Jesus for dying for me, for washing all my sins away and making me NEW again!

Friday, April 10, 2009


We have made it through the week! What a week of ups and downs! The weather is not supposed to be very nice this weekend which is a bummer but the whole family is looking forward to EASTER! My husband and oldest daughter are being baptized on Sunday! All 4 girls have dresses and we will have a great meal at my Grandma's after church. I just love the significance of Easter; I do believe this weekend will be very special!
The two little girls have colds, ARG! I swear we just got over colds, ear infections and popping new teeth in! Lexi has some how ended up in our bed for the past few nights, no she isn't big enough to get out of her crib YET but she has been sleeping fitfully; so I one eye to her bed and one eye back to ours; she sleeps like a champ then. Go figure?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just what I needed!

Last night my husband and I went to our home group bible study, we finished up the "30 Days to live" series (you should check it out...30daystolive*com take the star out and replace it with a dot). Our home group decided to continue to meet, which I am REALLY excited about:)
In my last post I said that my heart was feeling lighter and it was/is but at group I was able to share about having to take our almost 2 year old to see the heart doctor today, and I was finally able to let down and let it out. A good cry does wonders for the soul!
I woke this morning feeling much "lighter" my heart isn't so heavy, concerned yes but I don't feel like strangling the next person I see:)
We are blessed to have a huge network of prayer warriors and I am sure that has something to do with condition of my heart today, thank you prayer warriors!
I will edit/add to the post later today after we see the cardiologist.

We just returned from the cardiologist...we had a repeat EKG and and ultrasound of her heart...PERFECT! They did not see anything wrong with her heart!!!! YIPEEEE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 in 1 day, or maybe more:)

Yes I just started this blog today, and as my first post said I am feeling ambitious today!
I have 4 girls, although I only carried 3 of them my step daughter is included during my count. the older two are 7 years old and the youngest two will be ages 1 and 2 in May. Yes, I have lost my mind!
Some may find this odd but I have found myself so touched by the blogs I follow, most of them I clicked on a link and found myself reading and praying for strangers, I guess I shouldn't be suprised but God has really been speaking to me through some of these blogs. It is amazing to see how God is working all over the world. I think sometimes that is easy to forget, we get stuck in our "bubbles" and fail to see God's hand in everything. Linny is one of the bloggers I follow and she has a saying... YIPPEEEE JESUS! It makes me a laugh and now I find myself saying it when I see "God moments" I should probably say it now, I woke up this morning with a heavy heart for one of my kids and felt so discourged; its mid afternoon and I have promptly been reminded of God's grace, all knowing and loving provisions for my family. My heart is so much lighter than this morning. YIPEEE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a mom of 3 and step mom to 1, a wife to Ondrey and a woman that works full time I am not sure how succesful this Blog will be but I am going to try. Some things in my life are hysterical, sad, challanging, boring and I hope worth sharing; so here is my feeble attempt!