Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This last weekend myself, the kids, my parents, brother and Kelly climbed into my parents motorhome to head to Salem Oregon. My cousin Kenneth was graduating from highschool. GO Kenneth!
Let me preface this by saying I have hardly traveled since having my last two babies and the thought of being with out my husband (who stayed behind to work) and being so far from home almost kept me from going on this trip. It is silly really because we were gone only 1 1/2 days but the thought of it kinda overwhelmed me. I guess I need to get out more:)
So we make it to Salem, had a great time and then it was time to go, Sunday morning Jackie woke up and started one of her "unexplained pain episodes" I call it that because that is exactly what it is. She went through a time where it was daily and now as she is getting older it's off and on but never daily. These episodes last about 1 1/2 to 2 hours usually. Not this one.... a whopping 3 hours later a switch flipped and she was smiley and talking like nothing had ever happend. During these events she screams and cries at the top of her lungs.Virtually inconsolable.
Let me add that another reason I decided to go was to see my Grandma Eunice; she would be there and I felt a really strong pull to her.
Ok back to my story; at one point my Grandma came into the motorhome and sat across from me and Jac. I was singing "you are my sunshine" over and over in her ear. For some reason that was distracting Jackie a little and so I went with it. Grandma's eyes began to fill with tears as she watched us. I knew she was praying for us. Because My Grandma is a prayer warrior and praying is what she does. We sat there singing, praying and loving this precious little girl that was in such a fit of pain for several minutes, she began to calm down, her muscles relaxed and there was calm. And just like the last 3 hours had never happend she was at peace.
After a few minutes I put Jackie in her carseat and went to say goodbyes to everyone. I was saying goodbye to Grandma, as she was talking to me I just started sobbing. My life has been so hectic and overwhelming lately and I just needed to let it out. It is a scary thing to watch if you have never witnessed one of Jackies episodes, I could see the concern and worry on everyones faces as she was going through this. We had told my parents about this but they had never seen one, let a long a 3 hour marathon one.
I am sure you are wondering is it constipation? Gas? tired? hungary? Sick? No seems to be the answer to all of those questions. I tend to think it has something to do with muscle spasms related to her hypontonia. But we have no concrete answers.
I titled this entry as "praying" because prayer in itself is amazing. That we could have such a personal and intimate relationship with the one who created our inner most beings. God knows what is causing Jackie's pain, my pain, your pain and loves us through it, he provides the grace and relief when we most need it. Not when we think we most need it but when he KNOWS we most need it.
Last night I sat holding Alexa, she has a double ear infection and is teething to boot. Her fever had reached 103.8, I was very worried; as I sat there I was praying that her fever would break, her body would cool down,the medicine would kick in. Please God giver her some relief! with in just a few minutes I felt her body cooling, checked the temp again; it was falling! I continued to check it until it was down to 99.9 and then we drifted off to sleep. I checked it a few times through out the night.
This morning Alexa was talkative and her eyes had returned to the sparkly bright brown eyes we love. Another dose of meds and she as ready and roaring to go. Praise Jesus! I have never seen that little girl so quiet in her life; she was feeling so icky she had nothing to say to anyone!

Ephesians 3:20
Now to the one who can do infinitely more than all we can ask or imagine according to the power that is working among[l] us— 21to him be glory in the church and in the Messiah Jesus to all generations, forever and ever! Amen.

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