Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Extravigant Love

Most of us know the word Extravigant means "over the top" "beautiful in excess" Okay well thats my own definition but you get the idea. I bring this up because I am sitting here at my desk trying to be motivated for my day. As I am sitting here I am thinking of the last 24 hours, its been an emotional challenge for me which I can't devulge to much on the WWW. Let me just say that my emotions have ranged from rage, sadness, joy, worry, determination and shall I say it hopelessness. However this morning my dear sweet Lil L and I prayed together, the sweetest prayer to our extravigant Jesus. A Jesus not extravigant in the way you might think but extravigant in how he shows his love to me, it is never ending, its all providing, all forgiving and all knowing. I am comforted knowing this, today is still really troubling but moment by moment I am asking for grace, for protection, for peace, for forgiveness. Sometimes fighting your own emotions that are surging so strong is a fight you feel you can't win, especially when you are trying so hard to trust in God and things are being thrown right and left at you. Just when you dodge one happening another one is whizzing at your head. One foot in front of the other.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It's that time again people.... Today I am thankful for...
*My wonderful sweet husband for taking my toe polish off last night so I would not ruin my finger nails:)
*New bedding! (no more ripped up comforter!)
*That recovery of Jackies procedure is going GREAT!
*My silly not so little girl that loves to make me laugh (Lil K)
*My chubby Lil A for waking up with a smile
*My parents devotion to my bro and I and my fam
*Sweet bloggy friends
*That my Aunt found a house!
*sliced oranges in my lunch today!!

Feel free to leave comments on what you are thankful for today!
After all it is Thursday!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Amazing Grace

This last Monday we awoke at 4:30am. I made bottles, had coffee and packed a seperate diaper bag (the babies share one usually) and headed for the shower. My mom and Grandma Clara showed up about 5:45am. The kids were stiring as DH and I left for the hospital with Lil J. Both DH and I were very calm, I was nervous that Lil J would be fussy since we couldn't feed her until after the surgery; However she did wonderful.
My Grandma Clara and Grandpa Rod followed us to the hosptial. After Lil J was safely off to surgery we all went and had some breakfast in the cafeteria. We had such a nice time just sitting and talking; we all commented on how this may be the first time we have been able to have a conversation with out being interupted by the kids:)
Soon we were paged to come back to the surgery center and after a little waiting they rolled our sweet little girl in. Lil J came throught he surgery wonderfully! Praise Jesus! We thought she may take a little longer to come out of anesthia because of the hypotonia in her muscles but she didn't! After a bottle of apple juice another bottle of pediasure we left the hospital and had a wonderful lunch with my grandparents before they left for home (in Oregon). It was a beautiful, sunny and warm out that day; so fitting for Lil J to spend some alone time with Mommy and Daddy. Lil J loved not sharing the day with her sisters, she babbled and smiled and laughed more than usual all day long!
My favorite part of the day was all the snuggles she shared with me:)
I just praise God for being with that surgen, I know a muscle biopsy is a routine procedure; but to take the time he did to talk before and after the procedure was great. Kinda cool, but Dh's cousin spent a lot of time at Children's when he was born with a pretty serious health issue, he spent at least 6months there. The surgen we had was his surgon! He asked us if we knew him, he recoginized the last name (which is not too common) 21 years later and he STILL remembers him! We filled him in on how his cousin is doing, GREAT by the way! That was a cool testimate to the level of care we are recieving at Seattle Children's!
As far as results of the muscle biopsy, we could get them in as little as 3 weeks but as long as a 2 months from now. We are expecting the latter, from what we understand the tests they run on the tissue are very extensive.
I tried to post pictures the other day from my phone but it did not show up correctly, this weekend I may be able to load them from my moms house.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally Friday!

I have made it through the week!(random happy dance!)
I must say I feel a somewhat uneasy, Lil J's Muscle biopsy is Monday. I am supposed to get a call from the hospital today to give directions on when to be there Monday and when to stop feeding her. I believe that Lil J will be in Jesus hands that day, just like any other day, I am praying that she does well with out food (pray for an early surgery time!), she does well in surgery and mostly with recovery. I only have Monday off but I wish I could take the week off!
Mostly I am allowing myself to be excited, excited that this test, although it will take several weeks to get back will provide answers. I am chosing to believe that God is going to answer our prayers in getting a name for this.
This weekend is supposed to be nice, and I can't wait to get the kids out of the house and go have some fun! Also I think Saturday I will take the kids to visit one of my old friends, we met when she moved into our complex and although she and her hubby have moved, we talk and text a lot. I am excited to see her! Unfortunately her hilarious hubby is in Mexico for work so we will miss seeing him this time.
Last night I had a 2.5 hr conversation with my cousin, she is really more of a sister to me. It was so nice to catch up, to "solve" the worlds problems:)Today I am thankful for her.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I am starting a "Thankful Thursday" post, my goal is to do it every thursday, so keep a look out!

Today I am thankful for the following...
*Lil L has school pics today, I got to do her hair:) What a pretty lil lady she is!
*The smile across Lil A's face when I came to break her out of her crib this morning.
*A peaceful drive to work, with out the radio
*Good Coffee
*The big hug I got from my Lil K as we rushed out the door this morning.
*The little hug but big milestone when Lil J wrapped her arms around my kneck this morning.
*Good friends

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Weekend

I must start this post off by saying that I am the most blessed woman I know!
I knew leading up to this weekend it was going to be special; but just how special I was about to see.
Friday after work I went to pick up my "Lil L" from her mom, we got home and just hung out for the night. The babies went to sleep and the older girls and I watched "icarly" which is a weekly tradition. Saturday was mostly lazy (just fine by me!) My dear sweet hubby watched 3 of the 4 girls while I went to get my nails done. Lil J spent some quality time with Grammie, all by herself! With 4 kids its a little hard to get one on one time. Saturday night the girls and I went to my moms for dinner, the older girls died eggs with Poppy. We came home and fell into bed.
NOW for Sunday! We woke up to see what the Easter Bunny had left; the girls where very excited about the art kits. We got off to Church where we were met by Grammie, poppy,Great grandma Clara and Poppa Rod, Great Grandma Kane and Poppa Doug, Cousin Kristy and her husband, my 2nd cousin Karen all from my side, then DH's Grandma and Uncle came all to support Lil K and DH in their being baptized! I felt so blessed to have our family all around. I did however miss my aunt and uncle and their kids from Oregon; they just had too much going on; Altough they make it up to WA for nearly everything they are invited too!
Service was WONDERFUL; talk about feeling Jesus all around:) At the end of the service the people being baptized were called to get ready. I helped Lil K change and kissed her and DH goodbye, then took my place in reading their testimony's. I am proud to say I did not stumble or cry as I read! In all 17 people where baptized! YAY JESUS!!!
After church we went to Great Grandma Eunice's for Easter Lunch. The food was great and the company even better! My aunt Barb,cousins Chehaila, Lee and Robby were there along with everyone that came to church minus DH's Grandma and Uncle.
I almost forgot to mention how pretty my girls where! the older two wore matching dresses and the younger two wore matching dresses. Grandma Clara took several pictures, I will be sure to add pics to the blog soon and those will be some of them!
As I reflect back on the weekend I am overwhelmed by God's love, for sooo many reasons but just a few of them are....
1- when Jesus died for our sins he knew that 2000 plus years later my Lil K and Dh would be baptized on the day he rose from the grave! And that I would have the privlidge of reading their testimony's!
2-Jesus knew that my Lil K who came into this world with out a reliable earthly father would be blessed with one at the age of 3 and then at the age of 7 would be baptized together on Easter Sunday!
2- That Jesus has all the grace and peace I need!
3- Jesus loved me so much that he would bless me with 3 natural children and 1 step daughter and a husband made just for me.
4-Jesus knows my inner most being and still loves me!
God is SO good to me!
I have a busy full life, like everyone else on this plantet I get tired, stressed, delerious, happy, overwhelmed and crazed but knowing that me and my family have a place beyond the pearly gates gives peace, grace and strength. Thank you Jesus for dying for me, for washing all my sins away and making me NEW again!

Friday, April 10, 2009


We have made it through the week! What a week of ups and downs! The weather is not supposed to be very nice this weekend which is a bummer but the whole family is looking forward to EASTER! My husband and oldest daughter are being baptized on Sunday! All 4 girls have dresses and we will have a great meal at my Grandma's after church. I just love the significance of Easter; I do believe this weekend will be very special!
The two little girls have colds, ARG! I swear we just got over colds, ear infections and popping new teeth in! Lexi has some how ended up in our bed for the past few nights, no she isn't big enough to get out of her crib YET but she has been sleeping fitfully; so I one eye to her bed and one eye back to ours; she sleeps like a champ then. Go figure?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just what I needed!

Last night my husband and I went to our home group bible study, we finished up the "30 Days to live" series (you should check it out...30daystolive*com take the star out and replace it with a dot). Our home group decided to continue to meet, which I am REALLY excited about:)
In my last post I said that my heart was feeling lighter and it was/is but at group I was able to share about having to take our almost 2 year old to see the heart doctor today, and I was finally able to let down and let it out. A good cry does wonders for the soul!
I woke this morning feeling much "lighter" my heart isn't so heavy, concerned yes but I don't feel like strangling the next person I see:)
We are blessed to have a huge network of prayer warriors and I am sure that has something to do with condition of my heart today, thank you prayer warriors!
I will edit/add to the post later today after we see the cardiologist.

We just returned from the cardiologist...we had a repeat EKG and and ultrasound of her heart...PERFECT! They did not see anything wrong with her heart!!!! YIPEEEE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2 in 1 day, or maybe more:)

Yes I just started this blog today, and as my first post said I am feeling ambitious today!
I have 4 girls, although I only carried 3 of them my step daughter is included during my count. the older two are 7 years old and the youngest two will be ages 1 and 2 in May. Yes, I have lost my mind!
Some may find this odd but I have found myself so touched by the blogs I follow, most of them I clicked on a link and found myself reading and praying for strangers, I guess I shouldn't be suprised but God has really been speaking to me through some of these blogs. It is amazing to see how God is working all over the world. I think sometimes that is easy to forget, we get stuck in our "bubbles" and fail to see God's hand in everything. Linny is one of the bloggers I follow and she has a saying... YIPPEEEE JESUS! It makes me a laugh and now I find myself saying it when I see "God moments" I should probably say it now, I woke up this morning with a heavy heart for one of my kids and felt so discourged; its mid afternoon and I have promptly been reminded of God's grace, all knowing and loving provisions for my family. My heart is so much lighter than this morning. YIPEEE JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a mom of 3 and step mom to 1, a wife to Ondrey and a woman that works full time I am not sure how succesful this Blog will be but I am going to try. Some things in my life are hysterical, sad, challanging, boring and I hope worth sharing; so here is my feeble attempt!