Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thankful Thursday

These are just some of the things I am thankful for today.
1-a job:)
2-My family
3-Jac is continuing to gain weight and is now trying to sit forward when some one is in the way of what she wants to look at.
4-That Kayla and Lexi keep ending up in the same bed. I think Lexi just wants to snuggle:) Its too cute!
5-a short get away this weekend, trying not to stress about it but I haven't traveled with the two little ones and it takes a whole lot of planning.
6-a day off with my husband yesterday. We had a good day and the weather was beautiful!
7-Today's beautiful weather!
8-God's timimg
9-having been able to take pictures of history (thanks to Mama Lishey)

Friday, May 15, 2009


Jackie in the swing for the first time ever!!! Yippee Jesus for a swing that fit Jackie just right!
This picture was from a few weeks ago but I couldn't resist sharing it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Me and my oldest baby; Kayla!

Jackie in the prone stander we are waiting for her to get, this was a trial.

All three girls

Thankful Thursday

Yesterday my husband lost his Grandmother (his fathers mom). We were there at the hospital with her when she passed, it was peaceful. Please keep our family in your prayers during this difficult time.
Today I am thankful for:
-the face that Mama Lishey (hubbys gma) was a believer.YIPPEEE JESUS!
-That my boss was urging me to take today to be with my husband.
-for good coffee this morning
-for the relationships I have with my family.

Now I am going to see if I can get some pictures up:)
Short and sweet today.
Love Danielle

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Standing on one leg; arms flung out to my sides looking for balance..YOU too huh?

Interesting title isn't it? Well folks its the truth. In life it seems just when you are breaking through a circumstance and you are achieving so called "victory" the devil pulls another trick from his sleeve, if your not careful this will send you into a tail spin. For my family this week (and yes I realize it is only Wednesday) has felt like the eye of the hurricane is swirling right above us. Why you ask?
My husband and oldest daughter made a public proclamation on Easter. They where baptized. As you can imagine there has been lots of prayer, conversation and faith building in our home. As we are delighting in Jesus the devil is lurking, right outside our window, at work, at school. He snakes his way in, whispering his distructive ideas and thoughts in our ears. We start to let little things build, little annoyances, the stress of life is closing in and inside we panic and then we turn on eachother. It was brought to my attention from a very wise woman...Grandma Clara, I started to snap out of it and realized she was right. The devil was trying to get a foot hold on my family.
I requested prayer for this during our homegroup last night. Just sharing it with fellow believers lifted the weight of the world off my shoulders. I was able to see the truth and even still this morning can feel the darkness that is the devil retreating to his corner from the walup spiritual slap delievered to him through our acknowledgement of his deceit. TAKE THAT SATAN!
The truth in this is that Satan would love nothing more than to add my family to his ranks, however JESUS is the one I owe my life to, he is the one who died on the cross for me, the one that loved my family when we were just a twinkle in his eye. SO satan you lose!

Monday, May 11, 2009


My little head is swirling with thoughts so, bare with me as it all spills out.
My current thoughts:
*Wish I could have been there to comfort Kayla as she had a massive bloody nose from a bottle hitting her nose this morning. The school nurse called, she will be ok but I think it scared the day lights out of her.
*My cousin Sean is a pretty darn good preacher, got to listen to one of his sermons via pod cast.
*I can't wait for vacation in June! Sunriver here we come!
*I love my Mom. Love love love her.
*My moms bbf Lori needs prayer, she has MS and is having a bad flare up. Asking God to give her some relief.
*I am wearing a dress today...this is huge...I didn't even wear a dress to my own wedding. Its been a long time coming:)
*I wonder how long it would take me to do my tear aparts here at work? I REALLY don't want to do them.
*I thought it was supposed to rain today? I went outside and it was really warm. Did I dream the forcast I thought I watched last night?
*I am SO forgetful, I hate it. I am sure that my friends and family do to. Sorry guys.
*My cousin Kristy is amazing. Through recent situations God has used to strengthn our child hood bond in a new way. Thank you Jesus.
*I am thankful for then medicine my hubby started on.
*I wonder when Lexi will start walking? She is so close, she gets up on her knees like she is going to take off and has been walking along furniture. Trouble is coming!
*Nothing is better than Jackie's sweet laughter.
*My Dad is a pretty amazing guy.
*Thought I was having a hair crisis. Turns out my natural wavy, curlyness is working for me. Good news:)
*I wonder how I can rearrange the girls bedroom to be more functional? Will I have the energy to try to figure it out when I get home?

Well thats all the randomness for the moment. Anyone else have thoughts they just have to get out?
I think some of the voices in my head have quieted since I got them out on the blog:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Riding the Wave

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

I love this verse.

Last night Jackie was having what I think were muscle spasms; she has had them in the past but its been a long while. She wanted to sleep so badly but was being woke up by these spasms. I brought her to bed with me and held her close, as she drifted off to sleep I prayed. Prayed that she would be able to get a good nights rest, that God would heal her, that he would heal me, and then I prayed a prayer of praise. I thanked him for Jackie and all she has brought to our lives, for having access to a top notch medical facility (Seattle Children's!. This morning I am SO greatful to have her at home with us, so many parents can not go home with their children. They must visit them and love on them through tubes, wires, treatments.

Still praying for strength. This song is booming in my heart right now... I love this song.
Praise You in This Storm
words by Mark Hall/music by Mark Hall and Bernie Herms

I was sure by now,God, that You would have reached down
and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen
and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain,
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are
no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You
and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone how can I carry on
if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise
the God who gives and takes away


I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth


Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for...
*The opportunity to have fridays off now. Starts tomorrow!
*For God's "Pink Comforter" (it's a Grandma Eunice thing), I think God pulled out just for me. Thank you Jesus.
*For my home group
*For a catch up conversation with one of my best friends, Ashly. She is so precious to me. More than I could ever tell her.
*Alexa turned 1 on Tuesday, this year has gone by so fast!
*Jackie will turn 2 this Saturday, these last 2 years have gone even faster:)
*For being able to spend some one on one time with my Kayla tomorrow.
*For being reminded of Gods provision.

Monday, May 4, 2009


My apologies at the slacking of posting namely "thankful thursdays". Last week was a really rough week for me. Do you ever have times where you feel you are being emotionally attacked on all levels? I do, and this last week gave me a run for my sanity. Yesterday the kids and I made it to church, Jackie managed to have me bail her out of the nursery before church even started. Little poop! So Kayla and Jac and I went to service, leaving the little monster (Lexi) in the nursery. It was a good service. Last night Kayla, Jackie and I went to FX which is a kids/ family service held the first Sunday of each month. It was really fun! My goal is to make it to more of those.
So my prayer for this week is going to be for strength. I have thought of myself as a strong person but when I went through the list of things and situations I am dealing with I wanted to eat my words for telling my Grandma Clara that I didn't need to be any stronger. Thats a story for another time:)
On another note... My LAST baby:( Lexi is turing 1 tomorrow! I can't believe it! Then this coming Saturday my Jac Jac with is turning 2! Oh my babies:( I want them to stay little forever, plus they are getting entirely too darn heavy!