Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thankful Thursday

It's a little late but worth the wait! We are in Sunriver visiting my grandparents. We have been having a wonderful time biking, swimming and shopping. We all have nice tans:) I am so greatful that we where able to take this vacation. It has been a long time coming! The kids are doing great except that Alexa hasn't slept well at night; that is odd because she sleeps like a champ at home!
I am thankful that Jackie has thrived in this environment, she continues to grow stronger and she is working at communicating with us!
I am also thankful that Laila was able to come with us on vacation, she has been learning to swim and even went down the BIG waterslide yesterday. The look of Joy on her face was worth a thousand words!
Alexa has her Great Grandma wrapped around her finger, speaking of fingers...Alexas favorite place to have a least one finger is up her nose...yeah disgusting!
Kayla has been swimming like a fish and water painting up a storm. I think she has enough pieces to open her own art gallery:)
Something a little sad, Michael Jackson died today. This is some one my brother and I grew up with. All the weird behavior aside he was the King of Pop. I would say to him, "thank you for creating the soundtrack to some wonderful memories of my child hood"
My brother listened to his black or white album the entire spring break of my 7th grade year. We where with my grandparents on a road trip and Bj sat in the back listening to it on the walk man:)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are having a blast! Enjoy yourselves! It is definitely weird that Michael Jackson passed away, our kids won't have the same experience of him as we did!
