Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Abundant Blessings

For a long while I have intended to "restart" my blog. First there was the accident then I couldn't figure out how to get going again. Today I feel inspired to just go with it and see where God leads me.
I have always loved the Christmas season, love everything about it. Decorating the tree, family dinners, gifts and in recent years the time to reflect just what Christmas means. However this year while I am nearly done shopping I feel like I haven't not been in the "mood" for Christmas. I know why.
The week before Thanksgiving life changed as I knew it. The car accident took place at 7am or thereabouts on November 18Th. My right ankle was broken badly requiring surgery where two metal plates and 15 screws were placed to put my ankle back together again. With all of that I suddenly could no longer walk (at least for a few months) I couldn't do all of the things that make me such a independent person. So I have admittedly slipped in and out of a "funk" for the last month. The devil has been trying his best to take this situation and use it for evil. Making me doubt my abilities as a mother among other things. My family has reassured me, let me cry and loved me through it. I am beyond blessed to have the family I do and that they have been willing to step in and take care of the kids for me. My mom has done the bathing, feeding, diapers, stayed up nights when Jackie is having an off night. My parents carted the kids to and from daycare for weeks when we no longer had a vehicle that would fit everyone, they have sacrificed their space and time for us. I have tried to make sure that I tell them often how much I appreciate all they do yet still feel like that is not enough.
I see how truly blessed I am to be here, that my kids are healing from their minor injury's. Sure the Subaru is a total loss and I am off work for awhile but I am healing. This healing process is slow but appears to be going well.
Remembering that God is in control, God was with the girls and I on that day and he is still with us. I am so Thankful that 2000 plus years ago the a young virgin girl had the courage to give birth to a baby boy. A boy that would forever CHANGE this world. How it must have felt for Mary to find out that she was going to be having a baby although she was a virgin and engaged. Man, how would you explain that one? I wonder if Mary knew what her son would bring to the world?
This holiday season there is much to celebrate much to cherish and so many to love. My mantra is going to be "Less of me, more of God."
Hold your families closer, realize what life is really about. I am.

In Him,

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