Sunday, November 29, 2009

a new road, a new adventure

It has been many months since I have been able to blog and after talking to my Mom I decided I should use this time that the Lord has given me off of work to start my blog up again.
a quick catch up...
-until the accident Nov. 18th, 2009 I am still employed that the same job.Well I am still employed just out to get myself healed up. Anyway this February will be 4 years that I will have worked there. Kinda cool huh.
-Halloween this year my girls and I moved to parents house. It was a move I felt necessary and has been a huge blessing. Yes Ondrey and I are still married, this move was something I felt God was leading me to do in order to heal some personal matters between us. That is all I am going to say for now unless God leads me to say more.
- the girls are doing great. Kayla will celebrate her 8th birthday this Christmas! I am now trying to put together a party for her. Jackie continues to grow and improve. She is copying more and more sounds and loves to hear others laugh. She is now copying us when we laugh. Jackie has a light in her eyes that seems like the angels are shinning through her beautiful little soul. Alexa now outweighs Jackie weighing in at 26lbs:) She seem to be growing very tall so she is not chubby like she once was. I can not believe how fast she is growing! She is 1 1/2 already!!! Lex loves to talk and sing. Her favorite songs are ABC's, ring around the rosie, and you are my sunshine. This child is also the loudest kids ever! I don't think she knows how to be quiet:)
-In August we added two Sister Kitten's to our family. They are mostly black with few strands of white here and there. "Ruby" is petite and short hair while "Precious" is larger with longer hair. They have brought so much joy and love to our family! Kayla and I decided that their birthdays are July 4th. We never got a real bday from the family giving them away but based on their age in weeks we figured their bday had to be close to July 4th.
-My cousin Kristy is just a few short weeks from finding out the sex of her and Tim's baby. I have really loved being apart of this journey with her to motherhood. Its really fun to see the changes in her belly and her ever changing mood swings.
-My brother and his girlfriend have really been a huge support to me, I love them dearly and am so blessed to have my "old" brother back.
-My great Uncle Jerry (moms uncle) has cancer and its been a rough road but it looks like the treatments are working and at last report there was no new growths. I love watching God working in and out of my family.

We are coming to the end of this Thanksgiving weekend, it was eventful for me.
-Ondrey and I came home from the hospital on T-day. We had all of our family in town on the Bitzer side except for my brother and Kelly. Itwas Kelly's families turn to have them this year:) My grandma Eunice had the main event at her house so I was able to settle in and sleep. Then the family that was staying here at my moms came back and we enjoyed the evening together. It was a lot of football time and movie watching with my cousin Kenneth. Good food and lots of laughter. I always love it when my family gets together.
-I was not able to get to church today. I was really upset about it this morning because I love my Sundays but my Mom and Ondrey assured me that we would try for this next week when I willhave one more week of healing under my belt.

well I suppose this catches you all up. Going to do more of the same....REST.

Love Danno


  1. Danielle, I just happened to run across your blog again and it's great to catch up with your life. I know things must be horribly crazy right now, but, time willing, we should try and meet up some time. I can always come to you as I am not tied down with any little ones (quite yet!). hope your recovery is going well, and i'm glad to hear that the girls were kept safe during the crash. -Sarah

  2. Awww... I'm touched you are enjoying my mood swings. You might be the only one :) LOL
    Love you Danno!
